Sunday, February 5, 2012

Scene 3: A Familiar "Walk" (Part 2)

Read Part One of this message
The "Familiar Walk" scene of the dream


As you drew closer to the long procession of people suddenly the wilderness trail appeared familiar.  You felt safe because you recognized this road by the familiar dense bushes that grew on either side of it, and you felt that you knew where you were.

Growing up in the house of Adventism, you learned to walk spiritually by what you saw in the natural—being guided by what felt familiar and comfortable.  You did not learn true spiritual discernment, or else you would have seen that you were walking on an imitation of My path in a simulation of living free in Me, just like a zoo is a simulation of life in the wild.  You could not see that Adventism is an "enclosure" carefully constructed like the Whipsnade Zoo to resemble the real environment animals were created for.

Many of you in the house of Adventism are still "children"—you have not been taught real knowledge about Me, My Father, and the ways of My Spirit.  Instead, your spiritual "elders" have handed down to you all kinds of fears of leaving their company and their "path," tossing your heart here and there but always keeping you walking "in line" with the church.

The "dense bushes" your spiritual forefathers planted along the "path" of Adventism appear to provide a tall "hedge" of protection, but they are only an illusion of safety.  These are the man-made teachings of Adventism which obscure the light of the gospel, preventing you from seeing the truth of who I am and the reality of your "Sabbath walk."  To your eyes, the doctrines that have developed as Adventists have "walked along" through the years appear "dense" and Biblically-thorough.  But you cannot see that the path of Adventism aims to keep you a child in understanding, returning you to the woods from which you started, never questioning its "tall and lofty" beliefs or what was under the leaves covering the floor of the forest.

My beloved children, you are walking your “Sabbath walk” shoulder to shoulder in perfectly horizontal, straight rows of six—you are walking this "Sabbath walk" in your own strength and power and without Me!  With perseverance you keep your feet on the familiar path as you seek to be justified by your works instead of through faith in My finished work alone!

As I look at your striving to form perfectly straight lines, and keep in step with the person next to you, I see that your striving has only self at the center.  Your striving to obey your hidden lists of rules causes you to forget about everyone else around you, and only focus on the object of your striving—your "Sabbath walk."  But your striving is spiritual bondage.  It’s the opposite of resting in Me.

My beloved children, your "Sabbath walk" is an idol that has replaced Me!  Your eyes look straight ahead.  Your heads turn neither to the left or right.  It’s as if your eyes are plastered over so you cannot see your own flesh and blood.  It’s as if your minds are closed so you cannot hear the cry of a child.  It’s as if you are shackled by invisible chains that bind you and keep you stuck in "childhood", preventing you from moving forward into the fullness of life that I want you to have in Me.

My beloved children, I know that you believe that your doctrines are your "hedge" of protection against the deceptions of the enemy, but it’s only an illusion.  You are walking your "Sabbath walk" according to the "teachings of men" that you learned in the house of Adventism, instead of walking in love and truth as I have commanded you to walk.

Your "Sabbath walk" is not safer than the apparently barren wilderness outside of Adventism, even though it appears to be.  The reason you feel safe on your "Sabbath walk" is because Adventism is a spiritual environment that has dulled your discernment, teaching you to ignore real dangers lurking in the shadows of your "bushes" and lulling you to sleep instead.  It is an illusion of rest! But at the appointed time I will permit the "lions" to come out and wake you from your illusion!